Patient Testimonial: Chronic fatigue, depression, migraines and menopausal mood swings
“OMG! What a guy! When I had my first consultation with Jonny 4 months ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! I was depressed, sleeping 18-20 hours per day, hardly left the house, suffered with migraines 2 to 3 times per week, had no energy, suffered terribly with menopausal mood swings, had no confidence and was feeling incredibly low! I didn’t believe him when he said he could help me, after all, the medical system could barely keep my symptoms under control! I’d almost given up! Jonny put me on a gentle but firm herbal medicine, fast forward to today, I’ve started my own business, stood as a prospective parliamentary candidate and work out with a PT 2 to 3 times a week! Is he cheap? You might ask. Well that depends on your perspective! What price is your health worth to you? What do you spend on that Starbucks you just gotta have each day? His medicine and consultations works out at less than £5 per day. Is my health worth that to me? Totally! Jonny, I can’t recommend you highly enough and I’ll happily use your medicine for the rest of my life!!”
Sarah (UK)
Sarah had been visiting her doctor on and off for some time. Struggling to find answers for a long list of symptoms following the start of the menopause. Her chronic fatigue, low mood and energy was disabling. Leaving her with very little time in the day to do anything.
We began our consultation by taking a very thorough and detailed history of her past and present. The herbs quickly got to work as her weekly migraines stopped, followed shortly after by an increase in energy and mood. Needing far less sleep. This has eventually culminated in her coming off her migraine pills and anti-depressants. More recently her body is now creating enough energy that she is able to go back to the gym.
Sarah is proof that herbs can work at any point in life with dramatic effects. Well done Sarah. It has been really rewarding to see you gain your life back.
Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists
Contact me for help with your health problems and illness
PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558
SKYPE: jonnysapothecary