Herbs are not that powerful?

There is confusion amongst the public as to what herbal medicine is and what it can do.

Many of us are familiar with drinking chamomile tea to maybe relax us a little or adding lavender essential oil to your skin to get better sleep. Most people however, are not so familiar that herbal medicine has the potential to help people halt, reverse or put illness and disorders into remission.

Medical herbalists are university educated to a standard where almost all chronic illness can be supported/treated or helped by taking herbal medicine. Sometimes this is alongside pharmaceutical treatment, sometimes not. It depends on when the patient decides to make contact with the herbalist.

What conditions or disorders do i treat?

The following disorders, syndromes and symptoms are ones that are regularly seen by herbalists and/or by myself. Nearly everything chronic can be treated or supported with herbal medicine, proper nutrition and lifestyle changes.

List of syndromes, illnesses and disorders I treat

What do you specialise in?

There is no formal qualification to attain a specialism in the herbal industry but each herbal practitioner will find that they attract a certain type of patient or illness regularly. This will often become their speciality.

I tend to do very well with patients who:

  • Have had a dysfunctional childhood with neglect, abuse, trauma or attachments issues due to parenting or the makeup of the family home.

  • Have addictions - alcohol, drugs, codependency, compulsive habits.

  • Have a history of trauma and/or PTSD.

  • Are currently in or have been in abusive/neglectful or unfulfilling relationships.

  • Consider themselves sensitive.

  • Encounter a long list of multiple physical problems such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, IBS, skin problems etc.

Does this mean i should only see you if i tick any of the above?

Absolutely not. I regularly treat people who do not present in any of the above. The only defining feature is that you have something chronic that IS NOT accident and emergency related and you are willing to engage in my methods of talking therapy, consuming herbal medicine and experimenting with lifestyle changes.

can i see you for just one session?

No. I only work with patients who are committed to long term treatment. Anywhere between 6-12 months. If you only have one minor ailment then contact me to see if there is any remedy already made by me I can send without a consultation.

you seem expensive compared to other herbalists

Yes you are right. I charge more than the vast majority of medical herbalists. This is due to:

  • Most herbalists not charging anywhere near enough to actually live off their trade. Many are part time, struggling to get by and develop a business due to how little they charge.

  • I have extensive post graduate experiences in medicine that have cost tens of thousands of pounds which I have included within my programs. You don’t just get herbs and no other knowledge.

  • I have a long list of testimonials and google reviews that discuss how effective my treatments can be.

do you have any evidence that your remedies work before i commit?

Yes. Please please read the testimonials page or search for my google my business account. Both contain feedback on what people have experienced during treatment.