The 4 methods stated above are the most cost-effective, high probability of working options I know of. I use them myself every winter and I rarely get sick. If i do get an infection, it will always be a fraction of what I remember my winter sicknesses were like before I made the above changes. Remember that routine is the key, simply trying a few of the things above once or twice will not do much. So give it at least a month of constant work around going to sauna, taking your herbs every day and making sure your week is filled with fun activities that get you active, engaged, warm and happy.
I regularly treat patients with winter blues and winter infections. Get in touch if you need more support or something stronger to help turn your mood around.
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Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists
Contact me for help with your health problems and illness
PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558
SKYPE: jonnysapothecary