BBC Radio Sheffield Panel discussion on Skin Health

I took part in a discussion today on skin health. Speaking about a herbalist’s approach to skin health and tips on what you might be able to do to figure out what is worth exploring or investigating in connection to your skin problem.

The program includes a local beauty therapist who speaks of her treatment of skin problems and a Sheffield psychologist that specialises in researching the connection between mental health and skin.

Have a listen at:

Skip to 1 Hour, 8 minutes to hear the 20 minute discussion.

If you have a skin problem that has not responded to conventional treatment so far then please get in touch to see how herbal medicine can help you.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Lyme Disease

"I'm really happy I met Jonny when I was really in dire straights with my health situation. I was suffering from Lyme disease mixed in with lots of other nebulous health problems. He prescribed me a set of herbs, but to me the most crucial first step towards recovery was the face-to-face consultation we had. He knew all the right questions to ask, including my signs and symptoms as well as investigating my personal history and emotional landscape. The advice he gave me during the consultation was somewhat challenging to put into practice, but it was the pivotal first step. I kept taking the herbs, both the tincture and the powder for about 3 months in total.

It's has been tricky for me to untangle the symptoms of Lyme disease from other issues, and likewise it's difficult to tell which treatments have been ultimately effective - I have also had two courses of heavy antibiotics. Just the effects of those seemed to have taken 3 months to resolve.

But the mindset that Jonny helped me to get into has definitely helped me to endure the worst of it, and to keep on moving towards recovery. Now I can hardly recognise myself from 6 months ago - I feel like a human being again, which sometimes feels like a miracle! I still have some way to go to feeling 100% all the time, but it's slowly getting there. The main lesson for me has been to stay patient - some things just take their time"

Dmitry Ignatyev

I met this patient during a herb-walk in Manchester and learned about how debilitating his condition had become. Dmitry had a positive NHS diagnosis for Lyme disease and was becoming frustrated with conventional treatment as well as a myriad of symptoms. We consulted face-to-face in Manchester and followed up via skype and phone consultations. Lyme disease can be a very confusing and progressive disease so the herbal treatment had to involve tinctures, powders, capsules and supplements as well as guidance around relaxation techniques and use of a sauna to bring heat back into the body. Dmitry decided to use pharmaceutical antibiotics (again) alongside herbal treatment and has since made a speedy recovery towards feeling well again.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Ulcerative colitis, food intolerances and dysfunctional immune system

“Jonny worked with me in 2016 to help me with healing my gut after recovering from 15 years of Ulcerative Colitis which left me sensitive to many foods and with a low functioning immune system. I had started on the journey of healing from Ulcerative Colitis (which leaves you with ulcers in the rectum, chronic diarrhea and frequently passing mucus) many years before and had not had a severe episode for almost 10 years by the time I met Jonny.

But I still had sensitivities to many foods and was getting sick with colds almost every six weeks whilst often suffering from many small health issues which built up and left me feeling as though I was always needing to heal from something. Using his herbs and caring support for 6 months, I started to become more in touch with my bodies needs again and started to make changes to my diet which really helped with my healing process. Nowadays my sensitivities are very predictable and do not cause me so much problems and my gut health feels restored as my immune system is much stronger and I barely ever get colds anymore.

Jonny was also working with me and some other patients to help us psychologically through the use of herbs. During a particular session with Jonny we used a certain herb which really helped me to go deeply within myself and remove huge blockages in my mind which had previously stopped me from letting things happen in flow rather than trying to control the outcome. The experience was very intense and a moment of absolute clarity which I will never forget. Jonny always treated me with the utmost care and respect and I felt safe and able to say and do whatever I needed in his presence. This experience of working with Jonny has stayed with me as a pivotal moment in my life which evoked positive change in my mind and body and I will always be grateful for the chance I had to work with him and look forward to doing so again in the future.”

Emma Buggy

This patient consulted with me when I was still at University and trying to learn how to harness the full potential of herbs. We consulted via skype and the medicine was posted monthly. Emma was always open to discussing her life and had already done a lot of healing in regards to her autoimmune disease. Herbal medicine was another ‘piece of the puzzle’ for healing her sickness. Emma has since gone on to become involved with learning, practicing and teaching ‘non-violent communication’ workshops and holding group spaces. It has been rewarding to watch Emma change her life to suit her needs accordingly and to see how her illness has improved further since we last consulted. Wishing you all the best with your future mission to spread the message of non-violent communication through the world.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

My interview with BBC Radio Sheffield

For all who missed it, I was on the local BBC radio afternoon show with Rony Robinson last week. I was certainly nervous but I feel like I gave my truth and I hope you enjoy it.

The BBC have informed me the interview will be available for free listening for 30 days. After which, it will disappear into the archives. So please have a listen if you want to hear me talk about my life, how I discovered herbal medicine and how it helped my mental health problems better than anything before.

Skip to 1 hour 35. I am on for about 20 minutes (with a Pink Floyd track in the middle). Please share the link with anyone you know who is suffering with mental health issues and see if this can bring them some hope or clarity that there is another potential way to solve the crisis of serious mental disorders.

The link is available here:

If you have any questions about the interview, in regards to any topics or information we spoke of then feel free to contact me via the email listed below. I have numerous patients with mental health problems that see me for help using herbal medicine and nutritional support.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

New Sheffield Men's Group Looking For Men to Join

Beginning Wednesday 6th of February in Sheffield, from 19:15 - 22:00.

Come along to meet the facilitators and understand how, why and what we will be doing as men. This is an opportunity to step into the unknown with every chance that this will help you discover what being a man means to you.

The group will meet for 8 sessions on alternate Wednesdays with every meeting being led by experienced men. No need to have had any prior exposure to ‘men’s work’, therapy or self-development programs. You just need a desire to turn -up and explore your willingness to be among other men who want a more authentic expression and better experience of life.

I plan to be co-facilitating every meeting with the other men involved so please get in touch if you feel called to developing yourself with other participants. Your first session is free and is a chance to really feel if this group and program is right for you. However, YOU MUST CONTACT US TO BOOK YOUR PLACE AT THE FIRST SESSION.

Men Group 2.jpg

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Monthly newsletter

Merry Christmas to you all……

Before the start of the new year the time has come to start an email list so that I can start sending out information on the clinic such as opening times and events, as well as information on blog posts and herbal information.

2019 is fast approaching and even more changes will be coming to the clinic, the website and future workshops that I have planned. Currently the clinic is growing but there is still plenty of room for more patients (and therapists who want to rent the space from me). I need to increase the options and channels of communication I use to access a greater audience and any potential patients who feel that herbal medicine could help them. I need your help to do this so please continue to refer your friends and family members to me as well as signing up to the newsletter.

All of your support, ‘likes’, comments and shares through social media are greatly appreciated and will always help push my message and vision further afield. Any feedback you have for my work, website and ways of reaching a greater audience will be well received. As always, I continue to strive to live out my mission of helping all who need it using holistic methods and herbal treatment.

The signup form will now ‘popup’ on the home screen and is completely FREE! You can opt out at any time and your information is not shared with anyone else. I have also added a subscribe option on the contact screen.

Wishing you all the best for a healthy remaining and meaningful 2018. Use the link below to sign up today and stay in touch……

Jonny’s Apothecary Prescription Record Form and Business Card

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

A Herbalist's approach to improving your mind and body at winter

With less than 2 weeks until the darkest night of the year it can become quite common for many of us to suffer with low mood, frequent coughs/colds/infections and a melancholy at how wet, cold and miserable it can be. We might want to spend more time in bed, struggle to engage in social occasions and spend hours inside watching TV and/or eating sugary foods.

In more extreme cases the condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) will be experienced by 3 in every 100 people in the UK. This can be so debilitating that people struggle to leave the house, lose their sex drive, gain weight and switch off from friends and loved ones.

The causes to the winter blues are often attributed to physical responses due to the lack of sunlight in latitudes towards the north and south pole during the months of winter. The closer you get to the poles the shorter the days and the longer the nights. In Iceland they experience winter days that almost touch 24 hours for weeks on end. In the UK we are fortunate it is not that extreme but still it can be a commonly discussed pattern by many of us, even people that are not depressed might notice winter always feels harder than summer.

Research (Melrose, 2015) focuses in on some people experiencing neurotransmitter disruption, namely serotonin, and how in some studies it is lower in people with SAD. As well as also showing a natural fall in levels of Vitamin D, a hormone that is produced within us when our skin comes into contact with rays from the sun. In the UK our bodies cannot manufacture any vitamin D during winter so we are reliant upon food to supplement our levels. Vitamin D is also believed to be involved in the production of serotonin and a lack of it has been shown to be present in clinically significant depressive symptoms. People with SAD may also have an overproduction of a hormone produced in the brain known as melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone released at night, as part of your circadian rhythm to help you fall asleep. Yawning and feeling tired are often the signs of a melatonin influx. As long winter days increase, production of melatonin can be too much compared to the optimum level. Leaving people much more tired and sleepy.

In all people with SAD it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what the main cause will be and is probably more likely to be a combination of all the potential causes in some form or another.

Tromso Bridge, Norway

Tromso Bridge, Norway

So what can you do about SAD and/or the associated winter blues and infections?

  • Start with vitamin D3 supplements. My preferred product to use at home and with patients is a dropper containing 1000 IU’s per drop. This will usually be made from Sheep’s wool so it won’t be vegan. 2 to 3 drops per day between October and March will keep your levels high. It is interesting to note that most of our native ancestors in northern Europe did this at winter when they would consume fermented cod liver oil. An oil that tastes awful yet is absolutely packed with high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D.

  • Look at consuming capsules or tincture of Hypericum perforatum (Saint John’s Wort). This is one of the most evidence based herbs that we have for treating depression. Some trials have shown it works better than pharmaceutical drugs for moderate depression (Williams et al 2000) . I take a couple of capsules a day throughout the winter months and find it helps keep my mood stable. It is also a great herb for stress and anxiety. Do NOT consume this herb if you are on any pharmaceutical medication. It WILL interact.

  • Start going to the sauna. This by far is massively underrated and underused by people who suffer at winter. Regular sauna has been shown (Hussain and Cohen, 2018) to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and all causes of mortality. Not only will a sauna help detoxify heavy metals, pollution and chemicals in your body (which will no doubt be there) it will also raise your endorphins. Endorphins are your bodies ‘feel-good’ hormones that are pain-relieving, immune system enhancing and mood enhancing. Research shows keeping your bodies endorphin levels high is associated with a healthier immune system and mental health. For you to really feel the benefit you need to be going 3-5 times a week. I try to go every 2-3 days in winter and really notice a difference on the days I sauna.

  • Try as much as possible to keep up a healthy social routine. Getting out of the house and meeting your friends for food, drinks, parties, events etc. is very important as it will give you more structure with which to leave the house and face the cold so that you can have FUN and enjoy yourself. Again this is about keeping endorphins high and giving you resilience to face the harshness of the winter by having engagements that you need to get to. This was shown to be one of the reasons why the town of Tromso in Norway has very low levels of SAD (Leibowitz, 2015). Tromso sits in Northern Norway and doesn’t get any light for about 2 months of the year. However, the town is loved for its high number of winter festivals, long shopping hours, busy streets and a huge number of winter events that make winter the best time of the year for certain residents. The observations of researchers in Tromso stated that clearly socio-psychological factors (i.e. your mind) have much more of an impact on winter blues than we initially thought.

  • For coughs, colds and infections consider using Echinacea angustifolia and/or Echinacea purpurea alongside Inula helenium (Elecampane root) and Thymus vulgaris (Thyme). The Echinacea will help increase your white blood cells (Agnew et al 2005) and has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of an infection. The Elecampane and Thyme both have constituents which are anti-bacterial and anti-viral and help the body fight back on any infectious state. Take as a tincture upon onset and for the duration of any infection.



The 4 methods stated above are the most cost-effective, high probability of working options I know of. I use them myself every winter and I rarely get sick. If i do get an infection, it will always be a fraction of what I remember my winter sicknesses were like before I made the above changes. Remember that routine is the key, simply trying a few of the things above once or twice will not do much. So give it at least a month of constant work around going to sauna, taking your herbs every day and making sure your week is filled with fun activities that get you active, engaged, warm and happy.

I regularly treat patients with winter blues and winter infections. Get in touch if you need more support or something stronger to help turn your mood around.


Agnew, L.L. Guffogg, S.P. Matthias, A. Lehmann, R.P. Bone, K.M. Watson, K. (2005) Echinacea intake induces an immune response through altered expression of leucocyte hsp70, increased white cell counts and improved erythrocyte antioxidant defences, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Aug;30(4):363-9.

Hussain, J. Cohen, M. (2018) Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review, Evidence Based Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 1857413.

Leibowitz, K. (2015) The Norwegian Town Where the Sun Doesn't Rise [Health] Online. Available at:

Melrose, S. (2015) Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview of Assessment and Treatment Approaches, Depression Research and Treatment, vol. 2015, Article ID 178564, 6 pages. 

Williams, J.W. Mulrow, C.D. Chiquette, E. Noel, P.H. Auilar, C. Cornell, J. (2000) A systematic review of newer pharmacotherapies for depression in adults: evidence report summary, Annals of Internal Medicine, May 2;132(9): p. 743-756.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Empowering your patients through the 'Locus of control'

It struck me recently how most of my work with patients these days is centered around using herbs for improving a patient’s perception of their situation and the control that they can take back in reclaiming a power within to move forward with their illness. Far too often i see people who suffer with mental or physical illness yet seem incapable of recognising how disempowered they are with their situation and how much of that disempowerment is a part of their own mind.

In psychology there is a concept known as the ‘Locus of control’. Locus of control is defined as an individual’s belief system regarding the causes of an experience and the variables to which that person attributes success or failure. Sound confusing? The concept is divided into 2 categories: Internal and external. If an individual has a more internal locus of control then that person is more likely to attribute personal success to their own individual abilities. An internal locus of control empowers individuals to experience themselves as able to influence outcomes that affect them. In a therapeutic context this is an important tool as it gives an individual the ability to recognise that when they make a mistake or something negative happens within their life that they take a courageous outlook to make sure it doesn’t happen again or learn from it to become wiser or better equipped for next time. I would term this psychological resilience.

Persons with an external locus of control will be more likely to attribute their success or failure to luck or fate. External locus of control disempowers people to engage with learning as they see so much of their current success or failure as something outside of themselves. They are essentially hopeless in situations that they perceive as negative or hurting as they lack the knowledge of responsibility that would run through an internal locus of control individual. People with a more external locus of control will be more prone to anxiety disorders as well as other mental health problems as they fall into constant negative cycles of social or romantic situations where they are reminded how life is ‘unlucky’ or ‘cruel’ and their is nothing they can do about it.

The ever rising rates of mental illness in our teenage generations is, in my opinion, a result of us losing the value in teaching our children how to recognise the power that can be found within making a mistake, having something ‘bad’ happen to you or experiencing something cruel. It is in these moments that an internal locus of control finds the courage in taking action to learn, to bolster their defences, to engage with life by improving one’s physical and psychological abilities so that you essentially mature and grow as an adult. Lets be clear, this isn’t about denying any emotional response to pain, hurt or suffering. Emotions need to be expressed, but once they have come and gone the hurt individual would do well to be taught that they have a power within themselves to learn from this event.

Picture of a man walking in a forest confronted by a ghost

So much of therapy is in engaging an individual with the sense that whatever horrific things have happened to them that their is something valuable to learn, maybe even something valuable to give back to the world to hopefully stop that situation or cruelty happening again.

Within my clinical practice i use talking therapies to analyse an individual’s circumstance and then write prescriptions using herbs that not only deal with the underlying physical issues but also engage a patient to take action within their life so that they develop an attitude that control can be regained. It can be quite amazing to behold when patient’s begin to learn the momentum that exists within their own bodies when they start to view life with an excitement again and really self-develop.

Often the clues for how or why an individual may suffer more with an external locus of control is due to childhood experiences. Especially when parents or care-givers are the abusers as these are the people who are often the first ones we look to for support in reminding us we have a power, we have a responsibility. The message in those situations is that you have no power and you might as well always give up as that is always what you have known, so why change?

The truth is that you can change at any age, no matter how powerless you think you are. The fear of bad things happening again diminishes as the locus of control switches from external to internal. Anxiety, depression and mental illness begin to improve and vitality returns as the patient faces life with a stronger attitude and conscious approach towards the inevitable sufferings of life. They have hopefully become wiser, more resilient and clear about the way forward. So ask yourself right now….. what are my core beliefs surrounding negative circumstances? Do you recognise how this may be holding you back in life? Maybe even making you sick? Research shows us that moving towards a more internal locus of control is better for our health and vitality, you might need some help getting there.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Men's work - My journey so far

I started engaging with men’s self development approximately 2 years ago. My first steps were with a non-affiliated organisation in Manchester that would meet monthly for food, a talking circle and some sort of workshop led by a member of the group. Many workshops ended up being incredibly rewarding as we shared meditations, lectures and interactive body movement sessions that involved us stepping out of the ‘mould’ and challenging ourselves a little bit. I even led a workshop on herbal medicine.

I started to really look forward to these meetings as I realised how rewarding it felt to be heard by other men when I shared what was happening in my life. I also became aware of how important it was for me to spend time with older men who had gone through challenging life experiences who I could ask to help me with feedback on situations that were current for me.

Overall I was happy with my first steps into men’s work but the truth was I yearned for more. Within the group I noticed men who had become drawn to an organisation called the ManKind Project (MKP). This involved men traveling to a centre to go through an initiation that meant they could then access their local MKP group that meets weekly or every other week. I was quite fascinated by the sound of the initiation even though those who do it swear not to talk about the intricacies of the weekend with others. Fortunately I was lucky enough to see men from the non-affiliated group go to complete their initiation and return. It was upon witnessing their return that my desire for deeper men’s work really began to burn.

I instantly noticed a difference in the men who were involved with MKP or who had returned from their initiation. Their demeanour, language, communication and presence was infatuating. They clearly looked and felt different to me. It wasn’t too long after sharing space with these new MKP men that I knew I had to take that journey into the mystery myself. I could feel the fire burning within and I couldn’t rest until those deeper steps were taken.

Fast forward to June this year and I finally made my trip to Droghada, Ireland to attend my initiation with MKP. Before traveling I had stuffed my mind with some classic men’s development books. The most helpful being ‘King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the archetypes of the mature masculine’ by Gillette and Moore. This book really laid down the foundation of how men’s work with MKP really takes hold. The theory is that men have 4 innate archetypes that have perpetuated history, art, culture, media and psychology since men were men. Within each man the archetypes take shape in certain ways that can be immature or mature with a shadow element attached to each one. If men do not develop their souls then each archetype can be an immature manifestation with darker shadow aspects that will exhibit themselves in negative behaviour patterns. This theory was part of the psychologist Carl Jung’s work on male psychology. This book lays them out in a clear and concise pattern for men to understand the foundation of men’s work. I experienced a lot of identification with descriptions of each archetype and how I felt each one within me was more mature or immature than the others.

With a basic understanding of the archetypes I attended my initiation and have never looked back. The initiation is centred around the warrior archetype and gives all men who complete it the same foundation or footing with which to engage in MKP circles or trainings. I have since attended numerous local MKP weekly meetings and further training with the organisation.

ManKind Project Logo

My personal growth has been quite unbelievable to behold. Working on darker elements of my psychology that hold me back or sabotage myself and others around me. I feel that MKP and the archetypes have given me a map or compass with which to become aware of how my mind can be a source of power but also a source of darkness. This is becoming a powerful project where I have already seen an incredible amount of growth in just 6 months. I feel like my confidence has improved, my relationships with friends and family, I feel like I am more honest and also more on time to events or meetings. I have even noticed that my food intolerances have improved. Coffee is now something that really elevates me and doesn’t make me anxious and even gluten is now something I eat at the dinner table. I believe all of these reflect a more balanced, integrated and developed growth within me to become the man of integrity I have now seen in older men who are part of MKP.

My clinical work has also improved as i begin to notice the archetypes at play in my male patients. This has been crucial to helping me understand more about addiction, self-harm, mental health problems and male psychology.

Overall this path of men’s work has become something far greater than I could have imagined when I first took those steps 2 years ago. I have my brothers by my side and the bond I feel with these men grows deeper with every week. Men’s work is here to stay and will only grow as men discover that the way to change the world and yourself is to fully empower and integrate your psyche, your emotions and your vision for a better life and world.

More information about MKP UK and Ireland can be found at:

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Psilocybin and Depression

You may have seen the news recently that Psilocybin (found in ‘magic’ mushrooms) can treat depression and soon we may all be able to access this new ‘wonder drug’. I sincerely doubt anyone will be able to go to their GP and be prescribed whole fresh or dried mushrooms for their depression. Let’s dispel a few myths about this and explain why.

First of all psilocybin is ‘one’ of a number of alkaloids and other chemicals found within certain strains of ‘magic’ mushrooms. Research shows us that psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors within the nervous system (and brain), exerting a hallucinogenic experience that varies depending on dose.

Humans have been using psychoactive mushrooms since the dawn of time and many indigenous cultures have safely and successfully used them to communicate with their gods, spirits or ancestors in rituals and ceremonies that are part of their religious culture. For those of us who explore our more psychedelic plant and fungi world here in Europe it is of no surprise at all that psilocybin can treat depression. Users have known this for a very long time. Mushrooms were only made illegal in the UK just over a decade ago and before that were easily purchased in specific shops all over the country. Since it has become a crime to pick, store, use or sell them their use has continued with very little police activity surrounding prosecutions of pickers and fungi enthusiasts.

At the moment the food and drug administration (FDA) in the United States have labeled psilocybin a ‘breakthrough therapy’ meaning it is a step closer towards being given approval as a pharmaceutical treatment. So here, it is important to note that what the pharmaceutical company will be doing is using one chemical found within the mushroom that they can extract, patent and prescribe. This is the constituent known as psilocybin. The whole process of approving a treatment is bound up in millions of dollars of research that the pharmaceutical company will want to claw back once their patented treatment has been approved.

All of this talk in the media that you will be able to roll into your Doctor’s office and be given whole mushrooms at the relevant dose to alleviate depression i doubt will ever happen.

Whilst the research looks incredibly promising, yet again we see something that is supposedly illegal for the general public to forage and consume themselves (having done so for millenia). Only for it to be okay for a big corporation to produce a constituent within it and make a fortune as it is legally inserted into a Doctor’s pharmacopoeia.

It seems like a silly situation to be moaning about what could be the pharmaceutical ‘depression’ breakthrough of the century. But from a herbalists perspective you can literally just go for a walk in October and find many of them scattered all around in fields and pick them for free. Obviously as a professional i can only encourage legal responsible use of psychoactive mushrooms (In Holland it is still legal).

Of course i am sure many people will be helped by Psilocybin when it is prescribed (although my skepticism of pharmaceuticals with media hype is high). Just be aware that another of nature’s gifts is being denied to you in its natural form, unadulterated, whilst the other money driven corporation owned chemical is allowed.

For now i remain a skeptic about the whole situation.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Irregular Periods, Confidence And Self-Development

“I have always struggled with feeling bloated and constipated since I can remember. It seems like it’s apart of my day to day life, my being. It’s what’s become normal to me. I realised deep down that this is not ideal of me and keeps me clogged up. I have tried some things to make it better. I have tried exercise and all sorts of things but I never seem to be able to move past this feeling of ‘stuckness’. I had a little idea that this could be trapped pain in my stomach, old emotion that I wouldn’t release. I didn’t know why but I kept it all there. A sort of protection you could say.

I have known Jonny for a good while and when I found out he is a medical herbalist I thought ‘that sounds good’. Months passed and I made no action, but I had a feeling that I should go for it. A little while later, I decided to take the plunge and dive. We set up our first Skype session and ‘bada-bing-bada-boom’ I had an incredibly vibrant herbal tincture in my hands only a couple of days later. Made up with the most beautiful flowers and different plants that Jonny believed could help me. In that first session we talk for a while about my life, joys and downfalls. We talked about my blocks and my problems with my health. I felt extremely comfortable talking to him and really enjoyed all the talks we had. I felt he could relate to me and really listened to me. Every time he would ask me how it was going, never failing to ask about something we had discussed before. You can tell he really cares about you and your healing journey and how passionate he is about the herbs themselves. They tasted fantastic and really I loved taking them twice a day. I really liked it a lot.

I noticed things slowly begin to shift. Not so much in my stomach but in myself. Things started to open up. At the beginning I went through a lot of emotions. I think the herbs had something to do with this. I was lost, confused, indecisive, living within chaos, no order or routine. I feel like the herbs slowly helped to tip things more on there head. And began a new flow for me to flow where I needed to be. It has lead me to make decisions for the highest good of myself which is not always easy but it feels like it showed me to dig really deep into myself to that diamond. I no longer live in chaos, I have more peace in my life, there’s still a way to go but I am very grateful for all that is happening.

The most incredible and impressive thing for me is that it has helped my periods. Wow for someone who never had periods regularly, sometimes only one every few months, I am now having one every month . It seems, as soon as I took the herbs it started to help so much. This is incredible because it is so natural for a women to bleed. I am grateful for this! So thank you Jonny from the bottom of my heart. Overall I would say book a session with this man. He is not only knowledgeable and passionate but also caring and kind. He is always on time and reliable. It will enhance your life in ways you never knew how. And we all deserve to be happy healthy and feeling free.“

Mica Sinclair

This patient contacted me for help with problems with her digestion. Unfortunately I was not able to resolve her gastrointestinal issues but she has felt the benefit of treatment affect many other areas of her health and wellness. Particularly surrounding her menstrual cycle which has improved dramatically. There were many times the patient was challenged during the course of treatment but she responded with mindful, appropriate changes continuously. There is a strength, fortitude and clarity to her life now that shines through. Well done Mica!

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Painful Periods

“This year has been a huge transformational year for me and part of my journey has been working with Jonny and herbal medicine. I’ve had heavy painful periods since I first started getting my period at 11 and i thought that’s just how it is. I wasn’t really given options when I saw my GP, just informed to take pain relief before and during my period to manage the pain. When I heard about Jonny and how he uses herbs I was really curious to see how it could help me.

The way Jonny works with herbs is amazing, he really gets to the root of the physical or emotional issue. Over my course of herbal medicine I started to feel so much more confident and comfortable in myself. My body has let go of a lot of tension and carried stress, which I can feel due to lighter and mostly pain free periods.

Overall taking herbs has been amazing and I feel so much more embodied and confident.”

Ella Whitaker

This patient has gone through an intense year of engaging with a woman’s self-development/mentoring program as well as seeing me for herbal medicine. The combination has proven most valuable in her healing process. She is now a very different woman to the one I first met. Wishing you all the best on your continued journey.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

The clinic room is developing

The room here at The Sheffield Health & Wellbeing Clinic has been developing continuously since it was opened in April. More therapists have come on board and we now have a 2nd herbalist starting their new career here after completing the degree course in Lincoln.

Patient numbers are growing steadily but there is plenty of room for improvement. Due to the nature of the business it is clear that most people find me as a herbalist through either meeting me or seeing a family member or friend go through treatment. This means that standard avenues of advertising tend to not work as well as planned. A healthy instagram account along with facebook followers is great for awareness but it doesn’t necessarily mean i get patients. A recent successful herb walk at the Hulme Community garden project in Manchester was a reminder that i need to get out more to showcase what i and herbal medicine can do. A new patient signed up the following week which felt like a gentle nudge i need to get out more.

I have also moved my large and ever-growing plant collection here to the clinic. The total now stands at 53 the last time i checked. This is slowly turning into a bit of an obsession but i really believe it makes a huge difference to the energy, quality and experience of sitting here with me and talking. Being surrounded by nature reminds us that it is nature that is healing us. The time and energy that goes into caring for them so we can enjoy their presence together is hopefully a reminder of the care and tenderness that goes into deciding what prescription a patient should be given.

Please have a look at the gallery below. Thanks again to all the people who put their faith and money into a project that i was unsure would be as successful at it has. Look at what you helped blossom!

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Only 2 weeks remaining for consultations and repeat prescriptions

In 2 weeks I will be traveling to Portugal to work as a medical herbalist at BOOM festival in Portugal. The last consultation will be on the 14th of July. Please book yourself in between now and then or contact me for a repeat prescription to see you through until the 10th August when I return. 

If you are attending BOOM then please come and say 'Hi'. I will be in the Being Fields in a tipi with my dispensary. I will have various herbs for acute/chronic conditions and will be selling products outside of consultation times when I am there so please email or call as I will have my phone with me. 

If for any reason you cannot wait to see a herbalist or need herbs whilst I am away then please contact the Herbarium on Abbeydale Road. They will NOT have access to your information, prescriptions or notes but they be able to give you something helpful to keep you going until I return. 

Best wishes to all for a beautiful, fun-filled summer.

Boom Festival 2014


Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

The Crowdfunder and New Clinic is complete

I would like to send a huge amount of gratitude towards the people who took the time to listen to the call and donate towards my funder. No matter how small your donation it has made a huge difference in creating the clinic. In total we raised approximately £1800 from people all over the UK and the world, so please allow me to show you what work has been completed.

The Sheffield Health & Wellbeing Clinic

The view of the clinic entrance with my dried herbs to the left of the door along with the screen and massage table. When i have enough funds i will transfer the herbs into kilner jars so it looks neater and provides easier access to dispense herbs.

Sheffield Health & Wellbeing Clinic

To the right of the door i have the extra stock cabinet for herbs along with a leather patient chair and desk for consultations. One of the new light fittings that can be dimmed is hanging down from the ceiling. 

Sheffield Health & Wellbeing Clinic

Looking away from the clinic entrance there is another practitioner chair to choose from. I have fitted a fridge and more storage for herbs, bottles and equipment. Lots of plants from my home were moved in to clean the air and make it feel 'fresh'. 

The dispensary at Jonny's Apothecary

This is now the view of the dispensary when you walk into the clinic. I have 96 tinctures in the left cabinet and various creams, cannabis oil and other miscellaneous herbs in the right one. My beloved belfast sink and shelving was fitted to help clean equipment.

So far the patient feedback has been amazing and everyone is commenting on how calm and spacious it feels. I have a few more things to do like hang up a mirror, fit more shelves and tile above the sink but for now the clinic feels relatively complete. 

During the build i realised that the original name of Kelham Therapy Room didn't feel good so i have now changed it to 'The Sheffield Health & Wellbeing Clinic'. I have since built the website and so far we have 5 of us working from the clinic - Including a nutritionist, celtic healer, aromatherapist and myofascial release practitioner. I am hopeful more practitioners will use the room and our business will grow. 

Check out the new website at

Again i want to thank every person who has donated money, time, resources, energy or just listened to me moaning about how difficult this was. I have to admit i was incredibly naive to think this would be easy but it feels done.

For now i feel my soul yearning to just sit under a tree and play my guitar..... listen to the sounds of the forest and learn what happens next. 

Thank you with Roses


Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Post Abortion Stress Syndrome and Associated Effects

"I really didn’t know how to start this testimonial for Jonny’s work. I am not a person who usually has a problem finding words nor to express my feelings. But working with Jonny is an unbelievable experience. So I think I want to introduce myself first. I am a 32 year old girl from Germany, who has struggled in life because of several issues. The biggest event has been the trauma associated with the inability to handle the abortion of my child which literally changed my life.

It feels like it has been the eye opener for my ego to finally connect to my body and soul. I didn’t know why but I quit my job, left everything behind for walking on the “Camino de Santiago” in Spain. My spirit was lost after the abortion and I wanted to find it again. Before I met Jonny I met a beautiful soul sister on the walk. She is wonderful in every way and a woman with so much truth and love. Last year in October I visited her in Sheffield and because of me still struggling in life, she recommended Jonny and his herbs. Trusting her deeply I had my first consultation during that visit. I thought the journey on the “Camino de Santiago” healed me from my
traumas but then I met the herbalist. It feels like the journey was a preparation and clean-up for what would come next in my life. It told me to forgive myself for what I did and to forgive the people who hurt me. And then I continued my journey with a new chapter: guided by Jonny and the herbs. It became a crazy route to my inner self, my real me as a woman.

Working with herbs isn’t easy and it is challenging as every therapy, I know that because I had one before. But the huge and main difference is this “being seen”. I not only had traumas and a numbness in my womb after the abortion, rather I had blemished skin, digestion problems, thrombosis (2 times), tinnitus and self-doubt as you have no idea. Jonny has been the first “doc” who really talked to me, listened to me, saw me and believed in what I said. I felt taken seriously and his conclusion was right. So I started the journey and took my herbs and oh yeah, the inner pain finally came out.

I am so thankful for this journey, because I am standing today in front of my mirror and I see the woman. My true self. And guess what, I love what I see. My body and soul feels itself peacefully, they are once again talking to each other, finally. Jonny, thank you for being such a wonderful person, who lives his vocation with passion and heart. Don’t you ever think to quit because the world needs you. Thank you for taking care and for seeing “the human” behind “the being”. My journey with the herbs is almost there, and I am looking forward to what is yet to come.

Dear reader, I literally walked through fog, pain and confusion. At last, I am seeing the beauty of life and the happiness of being a human again. Thankfulness has a whole new meaning for me, because I feel blessed to wake up, and to feel the breath in my lungs.

Life is a bitter sweet symphony and I love to taste both with gratitude."

Nadine Dull


This patient was experiencing a deep inner numbness in her womb that had appeared after her abortion. Her mood, digestion and menstrual cycle were all altered and needed help to balance. Within one year the numbness has now disappeared, her menstrual cycle is now regular with minimal pain and her emotions now feel in control. Nadine has helped me understand the pain and trauma of what an abortion can mean for a woman.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Jonny's Apothecary is crowdfunding

9 days ago i took the step to start a crowdfunder. Having wanted to do one since over a year ago i never had the courage or confidence to ask for help. Fear would always strike me at the thought 'nobody cares' or 'i won't get anyone donating'. Having shared these thoughts with other friends and therapists it would seem it is quite a common experience for people to fall under the weight of picking a financial target and being crippled by nothing but our own minds. You see with crowdfunding there are options that if you don't hit your target you can still withdraw, so naturally there is no excuse other than the emotions of fear to stop us from requesting financial help. 

Jonny's Apothecary is crowdfunding and needs your help

Of course some crowdfunders are better than others due to connections or rewards but the truth remains, we can all ask for help sometimes when we need it and see if the fruits of our labour in our community will return the gifts we have shared or brought to them in good time.

So for me this process has felt a humbling experience so far as i watch the donations come in. It feels my wait to build up the courage to do this was also closely linked with my feelings of self-worth. Now the time is right i can feel it. 

At the moment the crowdfunder stands at £490 with 19 days remaining to achieve the big £1,000. With every donation there is a choice to receive a gift in return so please read the options carefully. As i type some massages still remain at 30% off, an absolute bargain if i say so myself.

For me the integrity and honour of receiving donations I intend to share many blog posts about the progress and development of the clinic.

At the moment the room is almost ready for the next step. Furniture, stock, diagnostic equipment and marketing are all the next stages needed for Kelham Therapy Room to take its place in the Sheffield holistic healthcare scene. The crowdfunder is part of this next stage of development. Items needed include:

  • Lockable cabinets for stock
  • More stock than what i have now
  • Massage table
  • Cleaning products
  • Rug
  • Desk
  • Chairs
  • Desk lamp
  • Indoor plants for air quality

Please consider donating towards the crowdfunder and know that every £ received goes towards the development of the clinic. Herbal medicine is the medicine of the future and now more than ever people are turning their backs on pharmaceutical medicine for alternative natural options. Get involved in the transition and grab yourself a bargain in the process. If you were interested in herbal medicine donating only £45 will cover your first consultation with medicine for a month (normally £90). 

Please donate at:


Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists MNIMH

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness
Clinics in Sheffield and Manchester

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Kelham Therapy Room Update

Kelham Therapy Room with new laminate floor and painted walls

After careful thinking i have decided to call the new clinic 'Kelham Therapy Room'. It will be marketed as an independent holistic clinic based inside Kelham Arcade. All the therapists will continue to be self-employed but i will market and advertise the venue under the new name. 

So the clinic has changed a bit more since last week......

Front door of the new clinic Kelham Therapy Room

The walls have been repainted and the windows cleaned. Underlay has been fitted along with a 12mm laminate floor with an oak finish. I'm really hoping the thick floor will keep any sound from outside the room to a minimum. The aim for the clinic has always been to give it a professional medical feel without it being 'plastic' or IKEA-ISH, if that is even a word. Not that i have a problem with IKEA! I just want to use more antiques and old furniture to fill the room. 

Dirty belfast sink with cleaning products

To add to the look i have managed to source an old 'Belfast' sink. It was absolutely filthy when i found it at Swiftie's on Abbeydale road. But after some tough love and a lot of hot steam it has come up quite nicely. I will need this for washing hands for any examination or cleaning equipment used in prescription making. 

Jonny Woodall cleaning the belfast sink with steam

Hopefully the lights, dimmers, blinds and sink will all be fitted in the coming days and then the furniture will be ready to go in.

It is looking like the official opening day will be the middle of March. The first popup shop catering for Peddler's Market will be the start of April. Expect lots of herbal products such as Neil's Yard Remedies, handmade creams, teas, unique jewelry and essential oils. 

I already have a few therapists who have seen the room and want to work from it. Please get in touch if you want to have a chat about my ideas for the space and to see if you want to join the team. 

Here it is.... a beautiful restored Belfast

Here it is.... a beautiful restored Belfast

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists MNIMH

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness
Clinics in Sheffield and Manchester

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Why are we so resistant?

Angelica spp. In flower with the sun shining in the background

You find it difficult to change. A problem to carry through an action with volition and intent. For every block there is blame. Often this is external. Why are we as living beings so resistant to engaging with things that heal us?

Often humans will always gravitate towards the safest option in terms of addressing health problems. For many this is the world of food. How many people have started to change their life by first changing their diet? We often do this because it is quite difficult to refute that what foods we consume are in no way connected to our health. I mean even the NHS agrees with that one! 

Food is consumed at multiple points of the day, it is craved by us constantly. So of course it makes sense to see food as medicine. 

But what about herbal medicine, psycotherapy or homeopathy? Far too often I meet people who proceed to tell me their life story and how nothing in the NHS has worked. It is clear these people could benefit from herbal medicine. You give them your details and leave a compassionate conclusion to the conversation by saying concessions can be given if needed. 

But they never get in touch. Obviously there could be a multitude of reasons and people have autonomy to decide for themselves. What I want to touch upon is resistance to change. Those people who have the time, money and need to engage in a different therapy yet don't engage. 

Whether it is fear, loss of ones behaviours, or a sense of losing personality and charm it is clear the psychology of our state of mind is what governs a humans interaction with medicine. Not the disease itself. Why do we do this?

For it is at this moment that we realise that part of our psyche will always want to protect us. To keep us free from harm in any way shape or form. Humans have inbuilt mechanisms to learn repetitive behaviour as part of our survival instincts. If we didn't we wouldn't have made it this far. But when it comes to healing this same mechanism which keeps us from harm can also hinder us. Telling us stories that we don't understand what the therapy is, or it won't work, or that if it did work the NHS would use it.... etc. 

Some of my greatest healing moments have been when i have entered a therapeutic space with that voice screaming inside of me that i shouldn't be there or i won't enjoy this. At these moments i take a step back and breath. I ask myself some simple questions:

  • Am i physically at risk of assault or harm?
  • Will i be made to do something that is deeply against any ethical or moral belief i have?
  • Will somebody else be harmed by me taking part in this activity?

More often than not the answer will always be no to every question. It is at this moment i realise the power and grip on my body a part of my psyche has and i let go. I give in to the space or therapy and constantly get reminded at how strong and resistant my mind can be at wanting to engage with a therapy that will throw up challenging feelings. For it is this that is the issue. 

Therapy is about engaging with challenging, difficult parts of you that will be holding you back. It isn't all that fun to start to have to understand your anger, jealousy, rage or prejudices. But this is healing, this is therapy, this is what self-development is all about. Understand your 'self' in a way not previously known. 

Herbal medicine and the consultation process will focus on what difficult feelings or emotions you have and many of us find that far too challenging to engage with. Rather accepting our inner stories that nothing can be done and it won't work. 

Notice this resistance and access your given talent for bringing forth a momentum or courage and bravery at the unknown. Men and women all have an inner warrior that we can access in times of need. Sometimes picking up the phone and asking for help is the most courageous thing you can do. So don't hesitate, herbal medicine offers a completely different approach to anything pharmaceutical.

Convallaria majalis (Lily of the valley) In flower

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists MNIMH

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness
Clinics in Sheffield and Manchester

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary