
Patient Testimonial: Chronic constipation

”A friend referred me to Jonny when my 2yr old was suffering with chronic constipation.

We were using over the counter laxatives and had reviewed her diet but the main thing stopping her from going was fear. The whole situation was impacting our entire home life with us spending hours trying to reason with a 2yr old to get her to poo.

Jonny was fantastic, really understanding and very thorough making sure he got all the information during our telephone consultation. Based on what I’d told him, Jonny recommended a tincture to relax my daughter and get her over the fear to enable her to stop withholding.

The results of the tincture were noticeable after a few days and it has really helped my daughter get over her fear. I would recommend Jonny to any parents who are at their wits end with this sort of issue.”

Steph - England (UK)

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

Patient Testimonial: Hypothyroidism, Stress, Headaches, Anxiety & Depression

“I had been considering using a herbalist for some time when I stumbled across an article Jonny had written in a herb magazine. It was a case study which could have been written about me. I took it as a sign and got in touch.

I had been suffering with stress, anxiety and depression for years. I couldn’t remember ever having had a good nights sleep, I was having severe headaches several times a week, my memory was terrible which became a running joke at work. I was desperate to get better!
Jonny was completely open with me about what to expect and the costs etc. I am a single parent and this was a lot of money for me. I rationalised that I couldn’t put a price on my health and it’s an investment in my future. Besides that, I’d spent a lot more on counsellors in the past and had always fallen back into the same destructive cycles.

I was completely honest with Jonny, I gave him all the information I could think of to give him a clear view of my background and any symptoms I had, big or small. I started my treatment programme just before Christmas. I followed Jonny’s instructions to the letter, taking my tincture, teas and herbal baths. I began to slowly unwind from the inside. My sleep improved, I was calmer, more able to deal with difficult situations. My headaches have gone completely now, which is such a relief.

I was consumed with anxiety before I started my treatment, I felt I wasn’t coping with anything, I couldn’t take anything new on and the slightest things would make me so angry. People have always said to me ‘you’re so strong, I don’t know how you do it’. I have always just got on with life and done what’s needed to be done but inside I was dying.

Jonny has been amazing, he explains what’s happening in great detail. This made the experience more fulfilling. He sent me links to videos and articles to watch between sessions. He has always been available if I’ve had any questions. I can’t recommend this programme enough. If you decide to embark on this journey, open your heart and mind to the process and enjoy it, I certainly have.”

Meg (UK)

Meg signed up for the 3 month Pattern Transformation package after reading a case study of mine that was published in the Herb Society magazine.

At the start of the program Meg filled in my symptom questionnaire sheet. This asks patient’s to score their symptoms from 0-10 in terms of how debilitating they are.

Meg scored 118 at the start of the program. Dropping to 56 at the end of the 3 months. A decrease of 52.5%.

Recent bloodwork through her doctor showed her thyroid hormones are now back to normal.

Meg will still need treatment but we will now only need to speak once a month. I expect her score to further improve as the months and treatment continue to work.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

Patient Testimonial: Postnatal Depression, Fatigue & Stress

“I first contacted Jonny after being diagnosed with postnatal depression. My GP had prescribed antidepressants and I wanted to explore other more natural options before going down this route and I’m so glad I did. We had an exploratory discussion and I felt immediately that we had a connection and that Jonny was someone I could work with and open up to.

It’s been a really transformational process for me. Jonny was very good at getting to the bottom of why I felt how I felt and about all the different factors at play. Jonny asked questions about my life, my experiences, relationships, physical and emotional symptoms and was interested in me holistically. As I was talking in our sessions I began to connect dots with his guidance to really understand myself, my patterns and things that had never occurred to me before. I’d had a previous trauma and Jonny helped me realise I’d built lots of coping mechanisms that had worked ok for me in the past, but weren’t working for me now. This was leading to me feeling like I couldn't cope, hyper vigilance, over worrying, inability to feel negative emotions, masking how I was feeling to everyone around me, exhaustion and sleep issues.

The herbs Jonny prescribed worked like magic and helped with my depression but also helped me get to a place mentally where I felt strong enough to face what was going on and my past trauma. Something I’d never been able to do before.

He has a very calm and patient style and builds rapport and trust quickly and easily. I didn’t ever feel judged or like I needed to hold anything back. It was a very freeing experience. Jonny is very knowledgeable about women’s cycles, hormones, how trauma can affect a person, what different symptoms mean and what herbs to prescribe to help with all of this. He also recommended a few books/websites to look at in between sessions which was great as I didn’t know where to start.

I’d recommend Jonny to anyone to help with physical health, mental health or wellbeing. It was definitely money very well spent and I’ll be forever grateful that I’m now in the place I am. I feel able to use what I learnt to help myself in future. I wasn’t sure if I’d get here or feel like my normal self again but I absolutely do, and feel like a better version because I understand myself so much better.

So thank you Jonny, I'm very grateful for your help and the work that you do.”

Anonymous (UK)

This patient was looking for help with depression, exhaustion, worry, sleep issues and a number of other symptoms. Through the consultation process we managed to connect past experiences with the present day list of symptoms. Identifying patterns between the mind and body, past and present, we used herbal medicine and a holistic approach to help the patient transcend out of illness into a state of health that has been a fantastic success story.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

“Living with Complex PTSD, I thought was a way of life. I've always known I am more than managing symptoms, avoiding triggers etc but knowing isn't always enough to change behaviour. I've been on a personal quest for inner peace for 15 years. This has lead me into every type of personal therapy (e.g. person centred therapy, CBT, EMDR, hypnosis, psychotherapy). I am a therapist myself and study psychology. My knowledge has enabled an identity which has given me relief from suicidal thoughts, difficult patterns of relating (abusive relationships) and obsessions (eating disorder, drugs, alcohol, body dismorphia). I've felt a lot better to overcome these struggles. However, I still needed to feel safe, avoid certain things and live a structured life. I lacked self expression and creativity most the time.

I heard herbal medicine with Jonny could help with my overarching need for safety. My physical health is good so the idea of seeing Jonny to give me a tincture for Complex PTSD- essentially my thoughts and brain structure felt counterintuitive. Especially, as I have never opted for pharmaceuticals within my recovery. When booking Jonny, I was at a place in life where to try, felt safe enough as I had already tried so many methods with some success. Herbal medicine as a natural product was still within my recovery values too. I was so tired of my way of being but wasn't sure if I would experience a huge shift within my ingrained thought patterns.

Jonny was surprisingly therapeutic in his knowledge for me. I come from a lot of therapeutic training. His way of explaining things that didn't feel related to herbs (e.g. my way of thinking, my past) was exciting. I opened up to the deep, shameful parts of me and he held the space like a good therapist does, with all the boundaries, compassion and empathy I needed. He got me and could see my vision for the life I wanted. He wasn't put off by my therapeutic knowledge and welcomed my questioning of method etc. He understood it was my safety, he is clearly passionate and confident about his work, therefore happy to chat and remain open. I needed to ensure he was ethical! 

The adventure of herbs meant I needed to go inwards - into the self, cut ties with friends and family, change my work/life balance. My attachment to myself and others positively changed as a result. I have now invested more time in understanding my body, releasing trauma that way, getting out of my head; into my feelings, intuition and just being. The changes came naturally. 

The first month I cleaned my cupboards (literally) and started organising my life. The second, I started exploring relationships and grief came up. There has been lots of tears and growing pains over the five months I've worked with Jonny. I now have a cleaner life and do a lot of yoga. This is me, authenticatically me. Herbs haven't helped me to be a version of myself I wish I was or an ego identity. They have helped me accept myself exactly as I am; within this acceptance I have freed up mental space to just be. I sing and write poetry. I've gotten more creative in my work and balance my intuition with theory. Herbs haven't changed my passion to use education as a catalyst for action. My intuition has grown but I need education within client work - herbal medicine is now a solid psychologically informed, tried and tested method to me. 

I have come to the end of my official herbal journey for now - I'll be back when/if needed. As I leave my time with Jonny, I can reflect on why I came to see him. I no longer feel alone, scared of the external world - my safety is within me now. How did I get here? I guess it's ok not to quite know as within talking therapy, if you feel better that's exactly that. I feel very chilled now. I fully recommend anyone who really wants to transform deep trauma wounds start their herbal medicine journey. I can only vouch for Jonny in my recommendation as herbs is a new world to me. Thankfully, I don't need another herbalist as I've got a life to be getting on with. Thank you Jonny!”

Jen was a qualified therapist and had spent many years devoting herself to self-development, healing and integrative talking therapies. We spoke about her insights and knowledge of her situation, health and psychology. Developing a herbal medicine protocol and plan to further progress her mind, body and health.

Jen responded well to the herbs and recognised the contribution that herbal medicine has made to her life and her career in helping others.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Fatigue, Poor Focus and Concentration

“What I really love about Jonny is the level of passion and enthusiasm that goes into the work he does. A premium service for a modest and affordable price.

Anyone can accumulate knowledge, but it takes real skill and talent to use and apply it in a way that helps other people and makes a lasting positive impact.

He is highly responsive to feedback and always looking to ensure the best experience. Delivery of tinctures and herbs is timely and goods are well packaged.

For me, the effects of the medicine were subtle at first. Rather than being a "quick fix", it took a little time to build up some momentum. A few months later, it is very clear that there have been significant improvements.

It does require that you look at and make changes to your lifestyle where necessary in order to support the process, and as such Jonny will explore with you what it is that might need adjusting.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Jonny to anyone that is looking for real change and not just a temporary solution / management of symptoms.”

Joe Million (UK)

Joe consulted with me for help with post-meal fatigue and suspected blood sugar imbalances. We analysed his history, specifically the last few years, to find the reasons as to why his body was stuck in a certain pattern.

After creating theories for the root cause I prescribed Joe a unique formulation of herbs that have not only increased his energy profile, but helped improve much needed focus and concentration for his busy work schedule and business.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Acne, Addiction, Depression and Anxiety

“It is with deeply felt gratitude that I am writing about my herbal journey and the healing that Jonny has brought into my life.

As I started, I lacked a sense of self and my connection with my masculine energies. Moreover, I lacked clear boundaries in general.

The symptoms were a truly messed up biome in my guts which lead to more mental and physical issues.

On the one hand, I had terrible acne, which reminded me of the wounds and inflammations which not yet have healed.

On the other hand, I was displaying a lot of spiritually incontinent behaviour such as eating lots of sugary food and having lots of casual sex.

Having no orientation but the certainty that my life had to change in some way, I lived in constant fear.

The process: The first appointment that I had with Jonny seemed very similar to the experience which I had with my former therapists. 

As a result, I was a little sceptical since a lot of issues I still had not been able to resolve yet through psychoanalytical and behavioural therapy which I already had made at that point.

So I got my first tincture a few days later, and I was no longer allowed to have caffeine after the morning.

My old way of life came to an end and there now was a big free space which I needed to integrate into my new life.

Through all of this, Jonny provided me with sound advice and new and healthy modes of being and coping mechanisms.

My fear transformed into anger, and I finally got the energy required to end my life in the comfort zone and entering the new and fruitful territory.

I joined a men's group and thus felt a sense of belonging and started to not only help myself but also helping others and became an active member of society.

Also my skin not just looked better, but it became less and less itchy, and I started to like the man I saw in the mirror.

Especially in such times of profound changes, we need a pure and strong basis upon which we can build our lives.

Jonny has helped me to do exactly that.

I assure you that he is worth every penny you will spend on him because:

  • He is committed to his work.

  • He is honest with his patients.

  • He is genuinely open-minded and wants to get a better understanding of his patients.

  • He delivers his work on time.

  • He keeps all his promises.

  • He wants to see his patients flourish.

  • He is understanding of his clients' issues and challenges.

  • He is joyful when he sees his patients succeed in life.

So if you are still struggling with issues, you have not been able to cope with get your free trial on his website and get a taste of what your life could be!”

Paul (Germany)

Paul was referred to me by a previous patient who recommended he work with me. We connected over Skype and Paul decided he wanted to commit to my program. We went through an analysis of his physical and psychological symptoms, trying to understand how his past history and current situation are all connected.

Alongside the herbal support Paul was open to engaging in numerous activities, challenges or tasks to help nudge him into a more authentic, vulnerable and ultimately integrated place. I witnessed the transformation from start to finish as he became healthier, fitter, stronger and ore aligned with a greater purpose in life.

Paul, you are a courageous man and I wish you well on your path.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Chronic fatigue, depression, migraines and menopausal mood swings

“OMG! What a guy! When I had my first consultation with Jonny 4 months ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! I was depressed, sleeping 18-20 hours per day, hardly left the house, suffered with migraines 2 to 3 times per week, had no energy, suffered terribly with menopausal mood swings, had no confidence and was feeling incredibly low! I didn’t believe him when he said he could help me, after all, the medical system could barely keep my symptoms under control! I’d almost given up! Jonny put me on a gentle but firm herbal medicine, fast forward to today, I’ve started my own business, stood as a prospective parliamentary candidate and work out with a PT 2 to 3 times a week! Is he cheap? You might ask. Well that depends on your perspective! What price is your health worth to you? What do you spend on that Starbucks you just gotta have each day? His medicine and consultations works out at less than £5 per day. Is my health worth that to me? Totally! Jonny, I can’t recommend you highly enough and I’ll happily use your medicine for the rest of my life!!”

Sarah (UK)

Sarah had been visiting her doctor on and off for some time. Struggling to find answers for a long list of symptoms following the start of the menopause. Her chronic fatigue, low mood and energy was disabling. Leaving her with very little time in the day to do anything.

We began our consultation by taking a very thorough and detailed history of her past and present. The herbs quickly got to work as her weekly migraines stopped, followed shortly after by an increase in energy and mood. Needing far less sleep. This has eventually culminated in her coming off her migraine pills and anti-depressants. More recently her body is now creating enough energy that she is able to go back to the gym.

Sarah is proof that herbs can work at any point in life with dramatic effects. Well done Sarah. It has been really rewarding to see you gain your life back.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Severe depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and fatigue

“When I first came to Jonny for treatment I had quite severe depression and really unpredictable energy levels. I had lost all confidence from having such a low mood and my business had taken the brunt of me never being able to find enough energy to carry out the work that needed to be done. I was also battling with PTSD from a couple of past experiences, amongst which included grief. All in all I wasn't in a good way and I couldn't imagine how vastly the treatment I received would change my life for the better. I still don't to this day even really understand how it worked and am still finding small clues that I am continuing on an upward trajectory months after the treatment has ended. It really has been quite magical.

It has taken me quite a long time to write my testimonial as I have found it hard to put into words the amazing care that Jonny puts into his work and also how grateful I am for his ongoing support. I have gone from being totally lost in the dark to having a warm, bright light shine into all areas of my life that has come from all the plants along the journey.

It took a little while of calming my body down out of its highly stressed state and then slowly the treatments evolved into giving me physical strength and confidence to carry on. Each month a different collection of plants to cater to the changing landscape. I have now managed to move out of depression and I no longer suffer from PTSD. And as for my energy levels, well I have managed to set up my business to be more functional, creative and abundant than ever before!

Alongside the monthly therapy I had with Jonny I also went to a weekly counsellor to talk through everything that was coming up through the process of healing. I would highly reccomend doing this as it meant I was constantly healing each emotion and pattern, confronting it all head on. Jonny is a very good person to talk to; he is warm, open and understanding of even the smallest experiences you might feel you need to talk about. He really understands how to work with the herbs in a unique way for each person, to bring you out of your shell and direct you on a path that brings you into alignment with yourself.”


This patient came into clinic suffering with an array of mental health problems that were causing them to suffer. Deep wounds of the past were interfering with everyday life and stopping this patient from fully delving into their business and self-employment.

The patient responded rapidly to treatment and whilst it was obviously very challenging having to visit memories of the past, it needed to happen so that those memories could be efficiently processed and integrated back into the psyche.

This was clearly a profound healing journey with which an incredible expansion of creativity, business momentum, improvement in mood and a more gentle, calm perception of the past came shining through. It was a very touching transformation to witness.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Low mood

“I contacted Jonny under the guise of suffering with very swollen lower legs but during my first consultation I found myself talking about how low my mood was. Jonny made me feel so comfortable that I talked and cried freely.  He nudged me to explore why topics brought out particular emotions and encouraged me to consider why these were triggers. Quickly we recognised how my fear and reluctance to make changes to myself challenged the role others expect of me. During my first few months of treatment I drew courage from the supportive (but challenging) space of Jonny’s consultations and made significant changes including changing my job. I no longer feel like a square peg in a round hole. The impact has been noticeable especially within the toxic relationships that I was able to recognise and change my reaction to. 

In short I have been able to reflect on my issues in a supportive environment and make changes that I felt in control of but never thought that I would have the courage to make. 

Thank you” 

Amy (UK)

Amy came to see me following a referral. We went through areas of her life that were causing distress and approached them with courage and determination. Big changes in her job, relationships and family dynamics on top of her herbal prescription brought about a much needed improvement in mental wellbeing and a clarity of how to make further changes to her health and wellness. It has been a joy to watch these changes bring out the passion in her life again.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Depression, Suspected Oestrogen Dominance and Post-Traumatic Injury Rehabilitation

“My journey with Jonny started a long time before I took the first medicine. A very good friend of mine told me months before, how great her results with the herbs were. That the herbs changed her whole life and that she never wants to be without them again. But being a very skeptical person in general, I first didn’t believe her. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe HER but more that I couldn’t imagine how herbs should change your life this way. For us lawyers things must be logical, explainable and most important rational. But that’s what herbs are not - for sure. 

By the time I was listening to my friends success story with the herbs and her experiences, I found myself in the worst situation of my life. I had just survived a severe motorcycle accident and was struggling with pretty much everything in my life. I was in a huge deep depression - not meeting anybody, not talking to anybody, and worst of all I was physically and mentally in a very bad condition. After I hit rock bottom I finally decided to contact Jonny because I thought it couldn’t get any worse anyway. The first magical thing of many that happened just within our first meeting was - that I trust that this person 100%. And believe me, trust is an issue with me. :) 

Our first consultation was maybe one hour and I talked like we knew each other for years. Jonny has an understanding and a very good sense for people - their needs and their problems. He really feels your situation even though it’s maybe a female thing. He knew right away what I was suffering and tried to feel into my situation. The fact that our consultation was in English - I’m not a native speaker and we talked over Skype - was no problem at all. I felt more understood and secure then with some other doctor I was seeing face-to-face. 

What happened afterwords was really a miracle. Sometimes I still can’t believe what really happened and how the herbs changed my life. I came to see Jonny with physical issues - and he changed my life with all my mental issues. With my mental issues all of my physical issues disappeared. Not only the symptoms but my whole life changed in a way I can’t really describe. Being a very impulsive, loud, strong, and pushing person - demanding a lot from myself and from all people in my life I became the most calm and relaxed person I could imagine. I learned to deal with myself, with everything in my life and with everyone in my life. I learned to set boundaries, to respect myself, to respect my body and to respect my life. Moreover and maybe most important I learned that all my physical issues are connected to my mental state of mind. 

I don’t want to put it wrong. My life isn’t perfect now. There are still problems hitting me, my life, all the people in my life, my family and all the connected circumstances. But the thing I learned with the herbs is to deal with them, without breaking every single time. During the time with the herbs I changed my job, I moved to two different apartments and had several relationships end but walked through it very calm and controlled. My life still has ups and downs, but I learned to handle it and I learned to solve it. 

So, to come to an end - if you ask me what the herbs changed? They changed everything! I can’t really tell you what but what I know for sure is that I’m not the same person I was before. Jonny is a master of his job and he knows the herbs very well, he knows his job and he became my herbalist but moreover my therapist over the past year. I thank God I got to know him because somehow he and his herbs saved my life.”

Tihana Dragic

Tihana has progressed rapidly with herbs. Discovering how her body and mind are intricately connected. This patient was a little skeptical about herbs and how I work but we quickly created a safe container with which profound changes have filtered through to her life. Her mood, monthly cycle and post-motorbike accident symptoms (there was a list of unexplained, chronic sensations and symptoms) have all improved with the past year of treatment. I have great respect for the courage Tihana has shown in engaging with herbs and therapy in dealing with her medical problems.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Ulcerative colitis, food intolerances and dysfunctional immune system

“Jonny worked with me in 2016 to help me with healing my gut after recovering from 15 years of Ulcerative Colitis which left me sensitive to many foods and with a low functioning immune system. I had started on the journey of healing from Ulcerative Colitis (which leaves you with ulcers in the rectum, chronic diarrhea and frequently passing mucus) many years before and had not had a severe episode for almost 10 years by the time I met Jonny.

But I still had sensitivities to many foods and was getting sick with colds almost every six weeks whilst often suffering from many small health issues which built up and left me feeling as though I was always needing to heal from something. Using his herbs and caring support for 6 months, I started to become more in touch with my bodies needs again and started to make changes to my diet which really helped with my healing process. Nowadays my sensitivities are very predictable and do not cause me so much problems and my gut health feels restored as my immune system is much stronger and I barely ever get colds anymore.

Jonny was also working with me and some other patients to help us psychologically through the use of herbs. During a particular session with Jonny we used a certain herb which really helped me to go deeply within myself and remove huge blockages in my mind which had previously stopped me from letting things happen in flow rather than trying to control the outcome. The experience was very intense and a moment of absolute clarity which I will never forget. Jonny always treated me with the utmost care and respect and I felt safe and able to say and do whatever I needed in his presence. This experience of working with Jonny has stayed with me as a pivotal moment in my life which evoked positive change in my mind and body and I will always be grateful for the chance I had to work with him and look forward to doing so again in the future.”

Emma Buggy

This patient consulted with me when I was still at University and trying to learn how to harness the full potential of herbs. We consulted via skype and the medicine was posted monthly. Emma was always open to discussing her life and had already done a lot of healing in regards to her autoimmune disease. Herbal medicine was another ‘piece of the puzzle’ for healing her sickness. Emma has since gone on to become involved with learning, practicing and teaching ‘non-violent communication’ workshops and holding group spaces. It has been rewarding to watch Emma change her life to suit her needs accordingly and to see how her illness has improved further since we last consulted. Wishing you all the best with your future mission to spread the message of non-violent communication through the world.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Post Abortion Stress Syndrome and Associated Effects

"I really didn’t know how to start this testimonial for Jonny’s work. I am not a person who usually has a problem finding words nor to express my feelings. But working with Jonny is an unbelievable experience. So I think I want to introduce myself first. I am a 32 year old girl from Germany, who has struggled in life because of several issues. The biggest event has been the trauma associated with the inability to handle the abortion of my child which literally changed my life.

It feels like it has been the eye opener for my ego to finally connect to my body and soul. I didn’t know why but I quit my job, left everything behind for walking on the “Camino de Santiago” in Spain. My spirit was lost after the abortion and I wanted to find it again. Before I met Jonny I met a beautiful soul sister on the walk. She is wonderful in every way and a woman with so much truth and love. Last year in October I visited her in Sheffield and because of me still struggling in life, she recommended Jonny and his herbs. Trusting her deeply I had my first consultation during that visit. I thought the journey on the “Camino de Santiago” healed me from my
traumas but then I met the herbalist. It feels like the journey was a preparation and clean-up for what would come next in my life. It told me to forgive myself for what I did and to forgive the people who hurt me. And then I continued my journey with a new chapter: guided by Jonny and the herbs. It became a crazy route to my inner self, my real me as a woman.

Working with herbs isn’t easy and it is challenging as every therapy, I know that because I had one before. But the huge and main difference is this “being seen”. I not only had traumas and a numbness in my womb after the abortion, rather I had blemished skin, digestion problems, thrombosis (2 times), tinnitus and self-doubt as you have no idea. Jonny has been the first “doc” who really talked to me, listened to me, saw me and believed in what I said. I felt taken seriously and his conclusion was right. So I started the journey and took my herbs and oh yeah, the inner pain finally came out.

I am so thankful for this journey, because I am standing today in front of my mirror and I see the woman. My true self. And guess what, I love what I see. My body and soul feels itself peacefully, they are once again talking to each other, finally. Jonny, thank you for being such a wonderful person, who lives his vocation with passion and heart. Don’t you ever think to quit because the world needs you. Thank you for taking care and for seeing “the human” behind “the being”. My journey with the herbs is almost there, and I am looking forward to what is yet to come.

Dear reader, I literally walked through fog, pain and confusion. At last, I am seeing the beauty of life and the happiness of being a human again. Thankfulness has a whole new meaning for me, because I feel blessed to wake up, and to feel the breath in my lungs.

Life is a bitter sweet symphony and I love to taste both with gratitude."

Nadine Dull


This patient was experiencing a deep inner numbness in her womb that had appeared after her abortion. Her mood, digestion and menstrual cycle were all altered and needed help to balance. Within one year the numbness has now disappeared, her menstrual cycle is now regular with minimal pain and her emotions now feel in control. Nadine has helped me understand the pain and trauma of what an abortion can mean for a woman.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary